2 thoughts on “What should I do if my dog ​​is swollen? Intersection Intersection”

  1. There are several possibilities for dogs with long pustules.
    1: Dermatitis in the toe. It belongs to bacterial folliculitis.
    2: Fasical reactions caused by mite infections. N4: First cause skin damage caused by fungi or mites, and then concurrent bacterial infections.
    Mustosomal pustules are caused by bacterial infections. But mites or fungi usually cause skin damage first, and bacteria can cause pustules. So No matter what causes it, you can apply it with more than 100 states. At the same time, combined with other drugs for treatment.
    Igly, it is recommended to shave the hair of the diseased part and take the dog to the pet hospital for diagnosis. Try to avoid the dogs often remove the wet grass or other unclean places. Clean up the canine cottage and disinfect it. The dog’s sleeping mat should be washed and disinfected frequently. The wet place is related to.

  2. It is when it is not broken
    . If it is broken, it is recommended to disinfect it with iodine
    In the use of Amoxicillin pills to stick
    apply to anti -inflammatory in the wound to prevent infection from infection to prevent infection from infection

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