2 thoughts on “The dog has a lot of tweezers. It was red before, but now it is scabbing. What is going on?”

  1. This dog has mites! Mites are generally red dots under the skin of the skin, the abdomen of the dog, the inside of the thighs or the skin on the body, and the scabs are broken, and then hair removal! Basically, they are in line with the characteristics of mites!

    The symptoms of creep mites can be divided into two types. One is the scales type, mainly in the eyelids and its surroundings, foreheads, lips, lower necks, elbows, toe, etc. Skin, the skin becomes rough and cracked, and some of them have little tweezers.
    The skin becomes gray -white, but the affected part is not itchy. The other is pustular type: After infection with mites, red pimples appear mostly on the lower abdomen of the inside of the stock. After a few days, it became a small abscess, and a large area of ​​red and white protrusions appeared on the inside of the undergoing stocks, and had a special odor. At this time, the dog showed uneasy emotions and itching. When a large number of creep parasites can cause skin infection of the whole body, the body hair will fall off, the pustules will form a scalp, and a secondary bacterial infection can be secondary. Pets with severe symptoms can cause death.

    The treatment: Take 1 % Iveyin injection under the skin of the subcutaneous injection, the dose is 0.1-0.15 ml per kilogram of weight. Each 7 injections once, 3-5 times in a row, at the same time, rubbing the skin and surrounding areas with antipruritic No. 1, rubbing 3-4 times a day. Generally, it is effective the next day, and itching is significantly reduced. Seven days of redness or infatuation of the skin’s affected part of the skin faded and reached clinical cure; about 15 days, the affected ministry had a total of new hair. In order to consolidate the efficacy, continue to be injected several times with Dagana. (Evisin injection veterinarian also has it, it is very cheap)
    Ivechin is a highly efficient insect repellent applied to clinical in the mid -1990s. Can drive the gastrointestinal width. Anti -itching No. 1 is a pure Chinese medicine rubbing agent prepared by the Veterinary Hospital of Hebei Agricultural University, which has the effects of anti -swelling and itching, anti -inflammatory and detoxifying effects. The combination of the two, the symptoms and the treatment are the best combination of the treatment of dog mites skin disease, and the curative effect is satisfactory.
    If if you want to take a bath to eliminate mites, you can go to Taobao to buy some pet treasure washing fluid. This thing is very good for mites!
    Is my answer can help you, and I wish your dogs recover soon

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