5 thoughts on “Do you want to say thank you for your pets?”

  1. A few years ago, I was sorrowful because of one thing, lying on the bed and shed tears. When I looked up and found the cat lying beside me staring at me, and then my eyes staggered, it got up, raised my small paw, and touched my cheek gently, as if he was saying: What is you? Why is it so sad? do not Cry. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or, but I always remember this moment. I’m surprised and warm.

  2. From summer to winter, there are too many variables, many sadness and collapse, who accompanies me is him. Two days before he took him home, he was bitten and bleed countless times. Now I go home at two o’clock in the morning. He hasn’t slept abnormally, and I rushed to me to kiss me with a cage. I cried and cried, and he was lying in my arms with me. After a few days in other people’s houses, I did n’t eat or drink a lot, and lying on my body when I returned to me. I got along with Caesar for 123 days and four months. Watching him grow from a little mouse to a giant mouse. I am not a long love person, but I can give him the most love. The life span of the flower branches is only two years, and I will accompany you in the past two years.

  3. In fact, it is not my pet. At the beginning of the year, when the state was not good, I didn’t go to class again, and I stayed at home except for psychological counseling. The little friend came to see that I was a little worried and gave me my owl. Later, she went to Fate Fate in Australia and let me go. At that time, I was always insomnia, but Brother Fate slept on my pillow every night, from the first night to the last night. Listening to his little breathing at night, I said in my heart, thank you, thank you.

  4. In the New Year, relatives who did not see all year round came to my house. Malaysia was sitting in a golden sword. First, I pointed out that Jiangshan said that my family’s living habits were not good, and my mother was unpalatable to cook. Finally, I asked my mother to find a job for his children. My mother said that without that ability, relatives would not sit away. At this time, my dog ​​came out and bite relatives.

  5. Although he wanted to shovel, eat, buy and buy, and saw him jumping his feet with hate. But whenever I encounter unsatisfactory and disappointment of interpersonal relationships for various reasons, I think he is always grateful for him to accompany me with heartless and lungs. Thanks to the ninth year of the young master who had been with him, the young master had transformed into the master.

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