3 thoughts on “How to raise a dog? How to take care of the puppy. Essence”

  1. Answer Hello [Happy], I am inquiring for you, please wait a while, I will reply to you immediately ~ [Flowers] [Flowers] [Flowers]nHello, I am glad to answer it for you. First, maintain the appropriate temperature, keep warm in winter, and pay attention to heatstroke in summer. Because the dog only has the tongue and the soles of the feet, it has poor heat dissipation ability and is easy to heatstroke. Straight places, and don’t take it out. 2. Injecting the vaccine in time, it is troublesome to take care of the infectious disease, and there is a certain mortality rate. Third, diet, puppies, especially dogs below March, are recommended for sword dog food to eat softly, a small amount of meals, and adult dogs do not need to be.nHello, I am glad to answer it for you. First, maintain the appropriate temperature, keep warm in winter, and pay attention to heatstroke in summer. Because the dog only has the tongue and the soles of the feet, it has poor heat dissipation ability and is easy to heatstroke. Straight places, and don’t take it out. 2. Injecting the vaccine in time, it is troublesome to take care of the infectious disease, and there is a certain mortality rate. Third, diet, puppies, especially dogs below March, are recommended for sword dog food to eat softly, a small amount of meals, and adult dogs do not need to be.n1 morenBleak

  2. Novice raising knowledge
    Is before determining dog breeding, we must first master a certain knowledge of dog breeding, and initially understand the breeds, appearance, physiological characteristics, living habits, personality characteristics, health knowledge, etc. Secondly, your own family conditions and surrounding environment should also be considered. On this basis, combined with your own personality hobbies, you can choose your ideal dogs and make it healthy.
    In puppies could not hear or see when they were born. After 10-14 days, I opened my eyes and began to be familiar with the surrounding environment. Since then, there is no time to peace. After 3 weeks, puppies began to grow deciduous and have new nails. Four weeks later, the puppies started to love. As long as they woke up, they always wanted to leave the bed. But these little guys cannot walk on the harder ground, and it will hurt their tendon and joints over time. It is best to find a good sky and take them to the grass to play. The owner should find some toys for them, so that they are enlightenment education for their future bite training.
    The dog breeding should start with puppies, and the best time to buy puppies at the age of 2 to June. Under normal circumstances, don’t buy adult dogs. The puppies who were born shortly were not yet mature, there was no deep impression on things, no bad habits were developed, and they were easy to receive training. They could establish deep feelings with the owner. Good training, bad habits, complicated background, etc. In short, it is not easy to make an adult dog loyal to your dog. On the contrary, it will bring many unexpected problems.
    S healthy is the first time to pay attention to. Healthy dogs are generally lively and active, with gods, neat and shiny, nasal mirrors are moist, mouth and ears have no odor, anal tightening, cleaning around the anus. The sick dog is depressed, unwilling to move or is too sensitive to the surroundings, and it is scary and disturbing. It should be noted that when buying dogs, you must carefully observe the dog’s quilt to see if it has skin diseases, such as ringworm, 癞, and eczema.
    This dogs are still bitches. They also need to choose according to their preferences. From the perspective of appearance, the difference between the bitch and male dog is just a little smaller. From a personality point of view, the bitch is more obedient and tame. The bitch has been in estrus twice a year, which means that at least half a year can have a nest of puppy. After the bitch after giving birth to a puppy, his body began to change, and he had a lot of hair removal. It was not beautiful in the past. The male dog is more naughty and active, but the body shape and hair color can be maintained for a long time. After the age of one year old (some large dogs want to be a little later), they will be attentive to the bitch dogs regardless of the occasion and regardless of time. If you like quiet, you can raise a bitch and dog. You can still see the birth of a puppy.
    What types of dogs to choose should be combined with the characteristics of the dog, and according to personal hobbies, breeding conditions, and local climate factors, we must comprehensively consider it. If the elderly should choose a quiet dog, a good sports dog will bring a lot of trouble to it; those who are busy with work should choose short hairy dogs, and long hair and curls take up a lot of time because they need to comb their hair, bath, etc. Some dogs are very regional, such as Eskimo dogs are difficult to raise under the hot conditions in the south. Before choosing a kind of dog, it is best to find friends who have raised the dog breed to learn about the relevant details and consider it carefully.
    Please remember: Once you choose to raise a dog, you will become its only owner. It will accompany you throughout your life and bring you joy. I hope you can let it live a happy life.
    In newbies to raise dogs cannot do five things
    The first taboo after the dog enters the door: take a bath
    The dog just entered the house, it may be smelly, dirty, you really want As soon as you enter the door, give it a thorough cleaning, wash the dog cleanly, and then play with it, but you don’t know that this may kill your dog.
    It dogs will not adapt to the new environment, scared. At this time, the dog’s resistance is very weak. Bathing is easy to catch a cold, and it will cause the dog’s fatal disease to the dog. When the dog is brought home, you must remember not to rush to take a bath. If it is dirty, you can limit its activity area, or use dry cleaning method. In short, do not wet the dog’s body to take a bath.
    The second taboo and the third taboo after the dog enters the door: eat meat and drink milk
    You may think that the dog’s body is weak, looking at it with a little pitiful look, you want to feed it a little bit delicious. And you also like to look at the food you prepared for the dogs, but this approach is wrong.
    Dogs, especially puppies, are very fragile, and are very easy to vomit and dilute. Meats and milk are things that can easily cause gastrointestinal problems in the dog. It is not easy to cure, so you need to know the knowledge of dog breeding: the safest diet for dogs is dog food and boiled water. Although it looks light, it will not cause any problems.
    It, you also have to ask the dog’s original owner, what dog food it originally eats, and it is best to let it eat the original dog food during the first time you raised this dog, and slowly see it again. Replace it with other dog food.
    The fourth taboo after the dog enters the door: without the dog rope out
    This is a very dangerous thing to go out without a dog rope. Discords are caused by not giving the dog with a dog rope. For dogs who do not know the habit, you will lose control without taking a dog rope when there is an emergency. You do not understand the dog’s thoughts, and the dog can not understand your order, so if you want to want to Take your new dog to go out. Even if it is not suitable, you should not bring a dog rope. You can train it to adapt to the dog rope and develop good habits from the beginning.
    The fifth taboo after the dog enters the door: rush to repeat
    The deworming is very important for dogs. Whether in vitro parasites or parasites in vivo need to be driven. But when the dog just arrives in your house, deworming will cause the dog to be more uncomfortable, cause the dog to be sick or the psychology of fear of you.
    It is recommended to tolerate the parasites that are not very serious. For dogs with exterior parasites, it is best to locate it in a cage. Bringing the flea to the dog will also be the least frightened to the dog. When the dog adapts to the new environment, it is not too late to drive it after eating well.
    The physiological knowledge about dogs
    . Do you know how many hours do you need to sleep every day?
    Princh usually takes about 20 hours. The adult dog is 10–15 hours
    . Do you know the body temperature of adult dogs?
    The body temperature of health dogs: (measured by anal)
    Small dog: puppies 38? 5-39 ° C adult dog 38-39 ° C
    medium-sized dogs: puppies 38? 5-39 ℃ Pacular dog 38-38? 5 ℃
    Large dogs: puppies 38? 2-39 ℃ Poor dog 37? 5-39 ° C
    Iline 3. How many years are the average life of dogs?
    Generally speaking, the average age of small dogs is higher than large dogs. The average age of 12 years is the average age of dogs
    . Do you know how many teeth of adult dogs have?
    . 5. You know the front of the dog, and there are several toes on each foot. Is it?
    The first 5 of the front, the back 4
    . 6. Why is the dog’s nose always wet?
    The contact odor molecules, to maintain the sensitivity of the sense of smell
    . Do you think the dog can distinguish the color?
    The ability to identify the color is very poor, basically color blindness
    No. 1 No. 1 8. Can a dog directly absorb fresh fruits. Do you want the nutritional ingredients in vegetables?
    I can not absorb plant protein, and must be converted into animal protein in the body. rn第9、狗在选择食物的时候,更依赖嗅觉,味觉还是视觉?rn嗅觉,狗的味觉较差,嗅觉非常灵敏,所以狗经常会吃一些闻上去很好,但Food that tastes ordinary
    . When the weather is hot, you need to cut the hair dogs to make them feel comfortable?
    It, because the dog’s sweat glands are mainly distributed on the tongue and foot, And there is almost no sweat glands on their bodies, so the hair is cut short. It is not helpful for them, but let the sun shine directly and burn their skin.

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