2 thoughts on “How to raise dogs by novices?”

  1. You can call your friends for help, or turn on the phone.
    How to raise dogs:
    1, dogs can not take a bath just when they enter home. The new environment will not adapt to and fear that the resistance is very weak. Bathing is easy to catch a cold and causes a fatal disease to the dog. If the dog is too dirty, you can dry them with dry washing powder.
    2. Remember to vaccinate the dog. After the dog enters the door for one or two weeks, it should be vaccinated for the dog. Be sure to remember the dogs regularly.
    3, you must remember to bring the dog rope when walking out. It is a dangerous thing to go out without a dog rope, so that dogs are easily injured by fighting with other dogs, injured by cars, and running.
    4, don’t let puppies eat meat and milk. The puppy’s stomach is very fragile, and it is easy to vomit and diarrhea. Meats and milk are easy to cause dogs with gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, the safest diet for dogs is dog food and boiled water.
    5, pay attention to quality when buying dog food. See if the form of dog food is uniform, whether the color is bright and dark, is it stained with a lot of broken end, which may not be fresh enough. Will the smell of dog food become sour and smell.

  2. 1. Some dogs will not eat or drink when they arrive at home, but they are afraid of the new environment. To comfort it patiently, let it be familiar with

    2, puppy will not urinate, you may smell it when you reach the new environment, and then defecate is normal

    3, buy dogs to buy dogs The

    4, the aircraft box of the dog’s nest is solid and washed, and when you go home or go out to see the doctor, use
    5, and the dog has just arrived at home. Bathing will increase mental tension

    6, dogs start to change their tooth at about 2-4 months, and then the teeth of milk can be changed after normal August

    7 , Dog change Dogs need to wear teeth

    8. After the tooth change period, you can brush your teeth with dedicated toothpaste

    9, fixed -point toilet, etc. are patiently trained

    10. Small female dogs are recommended to sterilize for 10 months and large large size. Male dogs are best at the age of 1

    About diet

    11, some dogs are not resistant to lactose

    12, normal should be It is moderate soft and hard. It is too hard to feed less. Some nutrients come from dog food. According to the ingredients, the food

    15, the snack for the dog is best oil -free and salt, choose dry bone
    n16, millions of millions, millions, Do not eat chocolate, onion, etc.

    About insect repellent and vaccine

    17, in vitro deworming once a month / 3 body deworming once every three months

    18, regular deworming, not deworming for a week before and after the vaccine

    19, must be healthy, 45 days of home and 1 week at home
    n20, the first year must be required 3 needle vaccine 1 needle rabies, 1 needle vaccine every year, 1 needle rabies

    about getting sick

    21, must go to a regular pet hospital

    24, autumn pay attention to prevent dogs from infectious diseases; prevent colds in winter

    About health care

    25. n
    26, the eyes and ears of the dog are all

    27, the dog is very sensitive to the plastic container, and the long contact may cause dermatitis

    28,, the Overcrusion or lean will affect physical health and cause diseases

    29, and the shower gel that cannot be used by people

    30, the living environment of dogs should be regularly cleaned and ventilated and disinfected r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

    31, regular cutting nails

    About going out

    32, dogs will be afraid of strong light and fire

    33, not convenient for travel to bring with it The owner of the dog must arrange fostering

    34, the dog must have traction ropes and pick shit bags
    n about dogs

    35, some dogs Dogs like to bite shoes and shoelaces. You need to collect

    36. Don’t touch it when the dogs come over

    37, the dog can feel your emotions

    38, the dog walking is every day, the amount of exercise required for different dog breeds

    39, dog breeding needs to apply for a dog card

    40, cherish and and be cherished and Dogs limited time

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