5 thoughts on “Why is the dog dilute?”

  1. Dogs are diluted without moving. This is a manifestation of poor physical condition. The shoveling officer should pay attention to the problem of dogs often dilute, because too much dogs can cause dehydration. Then, to solve the problem, you must first find out the fundamental cause of the dog’s thinning, and then apply the right medicine to make the dog recover quickly.
    . Improper diet
    Dogs are different from people, and the digestive and absorption ability is relatively poor. In terms of diet, do not eat too many people to eat dog food to ensure the clean and hygiene of dog food. Foods that are common in dogs are: chocolate, milk, cold food, etc. It is recommended that the shoveling officer feeds the dogs to eat some easy -to -digest foods or rice soup, and supplement the dog in time to prevent the dog from being diluted too much dehydration.
    . Gastrointestinal problems
    This dogs are thinner, it is likely that the dog’s gastrointestinal problems are caused by the imbalance of the flora, so the shoveling officer should timely supplement the beneficiary bacteria (such as Wang Yi) helps to regulate the dog’s stomach and relieve the symptoms of dogs dilute, digestion, and loss of appetite.
    . Be wary of parasites
    Under normal circumstances, the dogs start to injected insect repellent vaccines in 45 days, and regularly deworming should be performed on a regular basis. If the parasitic insects in the dog’s body are breed, it will lead to diluted phenomenon and even more severe symptoms. We must adhere to the scientific insect repellent cycle and repeoch the parasites in the dog’s body. The dog is driven once a month before the age of one year and once every three months after one year old.
    If 4. Enteritis and other diseases
    If the dog suffers from enteritis, canine plague and other diseases, there will also be dilute symptoms. In this case, it is often accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, blood in the stool, elevated body temperature, and loss of appetite. The shoveling officer needs to send the dog to the pet hospital for treatment in time, and do not delay the dog’s condition.

  2. When people eat the wrong thing, they will diarrhea. In fact, the dogs are the same. The dogs they should not eat when they eat. As the owner, what we have to do at this time is to figure out, why your dog is Hoh diarrhea. Secondly, you have to know that your dog can do something to relieve the symptoms of the dog’s diarrhea. If you are a novice for dogs, then this article is to tell you what the dog has diarrhea.
    The words, let ’s take a look at the phenomenon of the dog’s diarrhea and the corresponding relief measures with Xiaobian.
    , although you often see some dogs often eat food in the trash can, in fact, the dog’s stomach is very weak, and a large amount of digestive enzymes are missing Food, once the wrong food is fed, it is easy to cause indigestion. As long as there is indigestion, then accompanied by diarrhea. Therefore, the little owners must pay attention when feeding dog food. But what should I do if you have fed it wrong or the dog is diarrhea?
    The first thing is to temporarily do not feed any food when you find that the dog is diarrhea. The dog’s intestines are weak, not only irritating and not eating, but also do not feed some meat or bone foods before three months. Some novice owners, in order to express their love for dogs, without understanding, if they do not understand, they do n’t understand. Feeding for dogs unnecessary, it will definitely cause the dog to stop diarrhea. Of course, don’t feed a single dog food, which will also cause dogs to indigenize. Once the dog has indigestion, the suggestion I give is to temporarily do not eat first. The time is about 12 or 24 hours. During this period, you can drink water. If you improve it, you can gradually increase the amount of food.
    The second thing is to feed some digestive drugs for dogs. When we have indigestion, we will choose some healthy stomach and eliminate tablets to eat, which can promote digestion and help our links caused by poor digestion. In fact, dogs also have drugs that help them digest. In the absence of obvious effects, you can go to a special pet hospital to buy some medicines for dogs. After buying the medicine, fill in a little water for the dog or let the dog lick directly.
    The third thing is to go to a special pet hospital for a doctor for examination. If you do the above two behaviors, in addition to the phenomenon of diarrhea, your little cuteness not only does not alleviate, but also more and more serious situations. Then at this time, my suggestion to you is to go to the hospital to let the doctor do it to do this to do this to do it to this. A comprehensive and systematic examination, because your pet is likely to be transformed into gastroenteritis because of long -term diarrhea. Once gastroenteritis occurs, you cannot make a difference at home. The best way is to be sent to the hospital. This is as if we can take medicine ourselves for a cold, but it is the same reason that it is necessary to do a doctor. In order not to delay the illness, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.
    OK, the above is the corresponding measures for why dogs are diarrhea and we need to do. In fact, as long as we usually pay more attention, do not feed the dogs that are irritating and difficult to digest, dogs will be healthy and healthy. If you also have related experience, you can also find us to communicate.

  3. Reason 1: Cold
    In general, the cold of dogs can also cause diarrhea, especially during the season, not to pay attention to dried and warm in time, and the dog lying on the cold winter is lying on The belly on the ground is cold. Therefore, the owner should pay attention to the related warmth of the dog. It is important to add a cushion to the dog in the cold winter. Usually, you can go out more activities. By exercise, you can enhance the dog’s immunity. You can also do training by the way during exercise. With some chicken jerky, dried fries, etc., dogs are easier to remember.
    Reason 2: Parasitic
    The dogs are red and thin, and the stools of small particles and glands are infected with parasites. A better way is to do insect repellent every three months. In fact, when the dog is full of the full moon, the first body is deworming, because it may infect the parasites from the dog’s mother through the placenta and milk, so deworming is regularly removed.
    Reason three: Suddenly replacing dog food
    It occasionally changing dog food is very good, but when changing dog food, it is mainly a transition. Around worship. If it is changed all at once, the dog is prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, so it is easy to cause diarrhea. In fact, for dogs with fragile stomachs, when choosing dog food, you can also choose a full -price whole dog -breed puppies with beneficiary bacteria, which can condition the dog’s stomach and the stomach, which is conducive to absorption.
    Reason 4: Different causes
    Dogs are sick. Enteritis, small, canine plague, at this time, go directly to the pet hospital for examination.
    What to do if the dog diarrhea is diarrhea?
    The general dogs are diluted. It is necessary to stop eating for a day, but to ensure drinking water and continue to eat, it will lead to continuing dilute, then dehydration, and serious dehydration will endanger life. When you stop eating, you can eat high -energy probiotic powder to condition the dog’s stomach. Pay attention to feeding the dog to eat it.
    The dogs are really not to be ignored. In severe cases, there will be danger of life. Therefore, the owner should pay more attention in the usual way, especially for some dogs with fragile stomachs. Some dog foods that can regulate the stomach and intestines, do not give the dogs with high salt and greasy food.

  4. First of all, you have to understand what your dog eats before. Just when you reach the new environment, dogs also have a process of adaptation. The dogs in the adaptation process are very delicate and easy to feel uncomfortable with the new environment. You have to know what the dogs you eat before, for example, if you eat dog food before, you should continue to eat dog food during this time. Even if you want to change food for it in the future, you can only step by step. , Gradually replace. Suddenly you change the dog’s food, and it will also have gastrointestinal discomfort. And your first meal for the dog is too greasy ~ For what you think is good, but for the dog, maybe it is poison, and the dogs and eggs are not easy to digest. I suggest you, if you don’t know what the dogs eat before, you can buy some dog food first, soak it with warm water per meal, eat it for the dog, and prepare water for the dog. If you eat rice before, it is recommended to use more light, and it is not easy to feed too much. When the dog is fully adapted, then increase the amount of food or change the food step by step according to the situation.

  5. The puppy digestive tract is not mature, and try to give him food for some people, which can easily cause indigestion, which will cause vomiting and dilute. It is recommended that the owner is mainly dog ​​food and occasionally feed some canned food. If there is vomiting, there is vomiting The symptoms of diluted can be fed with gastrointestinal treasures, and it will improve after 3-5 days.
    The pet dogs must be deworming and vaccine regularly. Once some infectious diseases are infected, the mortality rate is very high, especially for the pet dogs for domestic, so prevent it is greater than cure.

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