5 thoughts on “How to measure the temperature of the dog”

  1. There are two methods of dog temperature and body temperature:
    1, rectal temperature measurement method: disinfect the anal temperature meter with alcohol, shake the body thermometer, so that the mercury column can reach 35 degrees Celsius. Apply a small amount of Vaselin or olive oil at one end of the anal temperature meter to reduce the stimulation of the dog’s anus during temperature.
    2, temperature measurement method in the back leg.

  2. Dog’s body temperature testing is currently in intravenous temperature measurement.
    The method of temperature measurement is to throw the thermometer of the body thermometer below 35 ° C, apply a little lubricant, and then lift the tail of the dog slightly. The clip of the body thermometer is sandwiched on the tail or the hips is hairy. After 3 to 5 minutes, take it out, wipe it with a cotton ball, and read the value. The body temperature of healthy dogs is 38.2 to 39.2 ° C; the body temperature of adult dogs is 37.5 to 38.7 ° C.
    The body temperature of health dogs has changed slightly day and night. Generally, the body temperature is low in the morning, the body temperature in the afternoon is high, and the difference between the body temperature on the upper and afternoon is within 0.2 to 0.5 ° C. Therefore, in order to understand the temperature changes of the sick dog in detail, it is best to measure the body temperature at 8 to 5 in the morning at 8 to 9 pm to observe the changes in the temperature difference of the body temperature.
    Extension information: Dogs are carnivores. When feeding, it is necessary to prepare more animal proteins in the feed to supplement the vegetarian ingredients to ensure the normal development and health of the dog. Dogs sometimes eat grass, but they eat very little. Occasionally they vomit. The dogs eat grass to fill their hunger, but to clear the stomach, mainly because the dog’s gastrointestinal structure is unique.
    This dogs and old dogs have been sleeping for a long time, and young and strong dogs sleep less. Dogs are generally in a light sleep state, and they can wake up with a little movement, but there are also time to sleep.

  3. Dog’s body temperature testing is currently in intravenous temperature measurement. Dogs are appropriately Baoding before temperature measurement. The method of temperature measurement is to throw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35 ° C, apply a little lubricant, and then lift the tail of the dog slightly to insert the thermometer and slowly insert it through the anus into the rectum. On the tail or hips, take it out after 3 to 5 minutes, wipe it with a cotton ball, and read the value. The body temperature of healthy dogs is 38.2 to 39.2 ° C; the body temperature of adult dogs is 37.5 to 38.7 ° C.
    The body temperature of health dogs has changed slightly day and night. Generally, the body temperature is low in the morning, the body temperature in the afternoon is high, and the difference between the body temperature on the upper and afternoon is within 0.2 to 0.5 ° C. Therefore, in order to understand the temperature changes of the sick dog in detail, it is best to measure the body temperature at 8 to 5 in the morning at 8 to 9 pm to observe the changes in the temperature difference of the body temperature. In addition, after being moved, excited, nervous, or exposed to the dog, the body temperature can be increased at a time; and a large amount of cold water can be consumed, and the body temperature can be reduced at a time. Therefore, dogs with the above situation should be detected for half an hour after rest.
    Is when the body temperature is higher than the normal value, it can be considered fever, usually the body temperature increases within 1 ° C as slightly heat; the increase of 1 to 2 ° C is called medium heat; Record the results of the daily and afternoon detection of body temperature and connect into a curve, called the dog’s temperature curve. The thermal type is generally determined according to the body temperature curve.
    The heat type with a greater significance to diagnosis of dog disease has heat, that is, the duration of high fever is more than 3 days, and the daily difference is within 1 ° C, which is more common in dog fibrous pneumonia. People who alternate the heat and heat -free period are common in canine viral hepatitis; relaxation of heat, that is, the body temperature difference is above 1 ° C without falling to the normal temperature, and mostly occurs in bronchial pneumonia.

  4. Pay content for time limit to check for freenThere are usually two ways to answer the amount of dogs in dogs. The first is to clamp the thermometer at the armpit of its hind legs, and the second is to insert the thermometer into its anus. However, the result of the first method measurement will be not accurate, and the actual body temperature will be 0.5 ° C-1 ° C higher than the measurement value. Although the second method is accurate, the dog may move messy during measurement.

  5. Hello, first of all, you prepare the thermometer, just use it, mercury thermometer or electronic thermometer. Pay attention to throwing the mercury line below 35 degrees. The most accurate body temperature for dogs is anal temperature. If conditions permit, it is best to prepare anal temperature set (or human use temperature set). After lubrication, insert anal temperature for 1-3 minutes and take out the number; you can also measure the skin temperature, take the skin temperature, take the skin temperature, take the skin temperature, and take it. The thermometer was sandwiched on the inside of the thigh of the dog for 3-5 minutes. The normal body temperature of the dog is 37.5-39.5. The body temperature of young dogs will be higher than that of a dog and an aged dog. There is also the temperature of the dog when the dog is emotionally excited after exercise. Hope to help you.

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